As a result, my work performance tanked, and I basically alienated the people around me.
I am NOT saying to stop taking medications. What I am saying is that there is a lot that can be done to reduce symptoms and hence reduce the need for it.
It makes me angry how much focus from the drug companies is on the treatment, and not on looking at the root cause.
Believe it or not diabetes is big business.
Last year, the market for diabetes drugs hit $50 Billion. This year it's set to hit $60 Billion.
How are they doing this?
In order to grow profits, Big Pharma needs people to continue to buy their drugs each year.
If they were to find a solution, and use it on their patients, those massive profits would disappear overnight.
So, that's why so many of us believe that looking for the solution was never in their plans.
The entire system is rigged.
Instead, they continue to recommend increasing dosages of medications that only treat the symptoms and not the ROOT CAUSE... So as a result, most diabetics need to take MORE medications down the road, ones that also ONLY treat the symptoms and NOT the cause.
There are MILLIONS of people who have pre-diabetes too, who could easily prevent escalating this problem, if they treated the root cause... Instead of just medication to treat the symptoms, as that only delays the onset of Diabetes, rather than prevents it.
Again, I'm NOT saying to stop taking these meds if someone is prescribed.
What I'm saying is that it IS just a treatment of the symptoms. People DO need to look at the realprotocol for treating the root cause.
If the root cause isn’t addressed, then many other conditions may result, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and more.
I produced what I believe is the world’s most comprehensive resource for men and women on how to fight and prevent Diabetes.
I've spent over 2 years traveling the world, filming with Doctors, Nutritionists, Diabetics and other experts who have seen dramatic improvements from real protocols that treat the ROOT CAUSE and not just the symptoms.
Today is the day to stop feeling tired, fat, and full of aches and pains…
And say YES to living a life free from worry about what to do to balance erratic blood sugar, being overweight, heart disease, arthritis and so forth.
Now is the time to safeguard yourself and loved ones from the life threatening effects of diabetes…
Join ‘Diabetes Smarts’ Today.