And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
For two and a half years, I’ve traveled to several countries, investigating and interviewing doctors, and nutritionists.
I’ve also talked to people who’ve lowered their blood sugar levels to the point where they are no longer classified as diabetic.
And during that time, I’ve made several shocking discoveries.
In fact, some of what I’ve discovered about preventing (and in some cases, reversing) diabetes has made me angry and frustrated.
And so much of the world’s best prevention methods have been withheld.
Meanwhile, corporations make huge profits from unsafe food and push us towards overmedication.
It’s time to fight back.
Don’t fall asleep at the wheel. Make sure that you arm yourself, and your family, with the best knowledge about how to prevent and fight diabetes.
By making some simple adjustments, you can come up with an effective diabetes management strategy to reduce (or possibly prevent) the risk of prediabetes, diabetes, and related health problems.
For starters, here are some healthy habits to consider:
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
For two and a half years, I’ve travelled to several countries, investigating and interviewing doctors, nutritionists, diabetics, and those who have reversed their symptoms……
And during that time I’ve made several shocking discoveries.
In fact, some of what I’ve uncovered about preventing (and reversing) diabetes has made me angry and frustrated.
So much of the world’s best prevention methods have been withheld, while corporations make huge profits from unsafe food, and overmedication.
It’s time to fight back.
Don’t fall asleep at the wheel. Make sure that you arm yourself, and your family, with the best knowledge about how to prevent and fight diabetes.
Here you’ll receive more tips on how to prevent and fight diabetes with “Diabetes Smarts.”
Plus discover simple and delicious diabetes-friendly recipes, alongside strategies to balance your blood sugar levels and reduce your risk factor into the future.